all i have been thinking about is the value of graduate education. at an approximately $50000 price tag for Stanford's moniker in a leather folio diploma, i wonder everyday (and within that day about once every 3 hours), whether or not the cost is worth the incursion.
my first time through graduate school i did a teacher training program that led to an MA in Education. it was cumbersome and a bit full of itself, but i didn't realize its full value until i started teaching.
it made me a better teacher. not in terms of experience or management or confidence, but i knew how to think about teaching - what questions to ask of my practice, what lenses to look through to examine my daily routines.
now i'm back in grad school again, and wondering the same things. is it just a big fat signal to the world - 'look what i can do!' or will it teach me useful ways ot thinking and doing that i just have not recognized yet?